Monday, 27 December 2010

救命關鍵 - 救生衣(一) Lifejackets - Our Life Saviours (Part 1)










圖片來源:NSW Maritime

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Types of lifejacket - part 1

Lifejackets or personal floating devices (PFD) are our saviours if we end up in water. That’s why one of the golden rules in rock fishing safety is always wear a lifejacket; even you’re a superb swimmer.

A lifejacket can cost you from $50 to over $100, so how to choose one that’s suitable for rock fishing?

There are basically three types of lifejackets with various levels of buoyancy available in the market. All of them are recognised under Australian Standard.

Lifejacket Type 1:

A type 1 lifejacket provides the highest level of buoyancy, designed to keep the wearer’s head above, and out of the water when unconscious. They are made in high visibility colours with retro-reflective patches and are mainly used when boating in open waters and and rock fishing.

Below are some examples of type 1 lifejackets.

The collar of the lifejacket is specially designed to keep wearer's head above and out of the water.

The inflatable lifejacket.

The inflatable lifejacket usually costs over $100 but it's quite popular as it looks cool and stays comfortable. However, if you're a beginner in rock fishing and not good at swimming at all, this might not be a good choice for you as you need to pull the string to get the lifejacket inflated while you're panicky struggling in the rough sea.

Pictures Source: NSW Maritime

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

衞星追蹤天使環救生圈 Angle Rings with GPS Tracking Device

在澳洲釣魚協會新南威爾斯分會 ANSA NSW的網頁內有一份清單,原來在新南威爾斯州內有百多個地點設有天使環救生圈,究竟ANSA NSW如何維修保養這些救生圈的呢?



差點忘了向天使環救生圈計劃的幕後功臣之一Stan Konstantara 道賀!他最近獲新南威爾斯州政府頒發獎項,表揚他多年來努力推廣水上活動安全。Stan 加入澳洲釣魚協會新南威爾斯分會ANSA NSW逾十年,也是新南威爾斯州釣魚康樂聯盟(RFA)的榮譽秘書;新南威爾斯州現設有逾百個天使環救生圈,正是Stan多年努力向政府爭取撥款的成果。

Stan Konstantara
圖片來源: Fishing World

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Angel Rings with GPS Tracking Device

We talked about the myth of angel rings last week and many people might wonder, “Where can we find these lifesaving apparatus?”

There is a list of angel ring locations on ANSA NSWwebsite for your reference, have you been to any of these fishihg spot before? And now you might wonder, "How can you keep track on the rings to ensure they're in good conditions?"

In fact, it's not an easy job and after an extensive period of discussions with various parties, ANSA NSW has commenced trials of angel rings with satellite trackers built into them. SMS and email warnings will be initiated if an angel ring is being damaged, stolen or used in a rescue. It will enable the Angel Ring Project Team to monitor the rings round the clock and track them in real time situations.

This highly sophisticated technology might sound expensive but it only costs about $500 for each installation plus annual monitoring charges. In NSW, about 10 angel rings with GPS/Satellite tracking unit have already installed and the target is to get 108 rings in fitted with these trackers.

And how can we forget a big congrat to one of the stars behind all these hard work - Stan Konstantaras! Stan has recently won the NSW Minister for Sport and Recreation’s Award for the Most Significant Contribution to Water Safety by an Individual at the annual awards by the Australian Council for the Teaching of Swimming and Water Safety.

As the Safety Officer of the Australian National Sport Fishing Association (ANSA) and Hon Secretary of the Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW, Stan hassecured funding from the government so that we have over 100 rings installed at the rock fishing locations along the east coast of Australia.

Keep up your great work Stan!

Photo source: Fishing World

Monday, 6 December 2010

비상 사태에는 어떻게 대처해야 하나?

1. 바다가 거칠 때는 노출된 지역에서는 절대로 낚시하지 않으며, 바다가 좀더 잠잠한 지역을 찾습니다.
2. 만일 누가 바다로 휩쓸려 들어갔을 때는 그 사람을 구하려고 따라서 뛰어 들어가면 안됩니다
3. 에인절링, 구명 부의가 있는 지 찾아보고 그렇지 않으면 아무거나 물에 뜨는 기구를 찾습니다.
4. 구명부의나 물에 뜨는 기구를 물에 빠진 사람에게 던져 줍니다.
5. 휴대 전화로 112나 000에 전화를 걸거나 도움을 요청하러 가십시오.

Friday, 3 December 2010

天使環救生圈 = 安全礁石垂釣點? Angel Rings = Safe Spot for Rock Fishing?


1993年一名釣魚者在新南威爾斯州的 Moes Rock 作礁石垂釣時不慎墮海,幸好該處置有一個救生圈才令他獲救。這救生圈是由一位傷心的父親裝置的,因為他的愛兒就是在該處礁石垂釣時不幸喪生。

但這宗事故令新南威爾斯政府隨後成立小組研究,並於1994年委任澳洲釣魚協會新南威爾斯分會(ANSA NSW)推行天使環救生圈計劃 - 在多個礁石垂釣點設立天使環救生圈。維多利亞州及塔斯曼尼亞現也開展了同樣計劃。




Sunday, 28 November 2010

Angel Ring = Safe Spot for Rock Fishing?

We all know that angel rings are powerful life savers, especially in an accident of life and death. However, there's a heartbreaking story behind the origin of angel rings .

In 1993, the life of a rock fishing angler was saved at Moes Rock, south of Jervis Bay in NSW by a life ring installed by a bereaved father who had lost his son who was rock fishing at Moes Rock at an earlier date.

The NSW Government then formed a group to focus on Rock Fishing Safety and a year later Australian National Sportfishing Association NSW (ANSA NSW) was commissioned to manage The Angel Rings Project to install angel rings in known rock fishing spots. The pilot project of installing angel rings is also underway in Victoria and Tasmania.

Since 1994, over 100 angel rings have been installed in known rock fishing spotsin NSW with more than 30 lives have been saved. Indeed,in just a 10-day period between 25 September and 5 October 2010, angel rings were used in five confirmed rescues in NSW.

Many people think that if the fishing site has an angel ring installed, that implies this must be a safe spot for rock fishing. But remember the installation of angel rings actually started from the most dangerous fishing spots, so if an angel ring is being installed at the spot, it actually implies this is a high risk location, perhaps fatal accidents had happened at this location before and that's why an angel ring is there to reduce the number of casuaities.

So  if a spot has angel ring installed, it does not necessarily mean it's a safe spot for rock fishing.

Angel Ring

Photo source from Recreational Fishing Alliance.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Unpredictable Mother Nature

One of the golden rules for rock fishing anglers is to "observe first, fish later". But many anglers might think they have already checked the weather, wind speed and tidal conditions etc.before they set off and what's the point of wasting half an hour to observe.

Let us show you how a rock fishing spot, which looks pretty safe initially, can change dramatically in only 8 minutes. The following series of photos were taken by our Angel Ring team member Tony Steiner in October 2010 on the top of the cliff at Coogee in Sydney's eastern suburb.

On the same day these photos were taken, a 33-year-old Japanese angler was reported missing at Bluefish Point on Sydney's North Head, which is only a few kilometers up the coast from Coogee. The angler was fishing alone and his fishing equipment was found on the rocks and his car was discovered in the carpark almost a day later.

So if 30 minutes observation can eventually save your life, do you sitll think it's a waste of time?

Looks like a good spot for rock fishing.
Only 8 minutes later, it's a dangerous spot.
Photo source: Recreational Fishing Alliance

Monday, 22 November 2010




這輯圖片是月前由天使環救生圈成員Tony Steiner在悉尼東面海邊 Coogoo,站在山崖上拍攝的。在同一天,一名33歲的日本裔釣魚者獨自在 North Head 的 Bluefish Point 垂釣時失蹤,Bluefish 距離Coogee只有數公里,兩地的天氣及潮汐環境相似。調查人員最後只能找到這名日本裔釣魚者的釣魚工具,及在附近停車場找到他的汽車,失蹤者恐怕已兇多吉少。


Photo source: Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW


Saturday, 20 November 2010

Get Ready - Safety First (Part 2)

5.  Always Wear Life Jacket

Always wear a life jacket even you’re good at swimming because the sea is just unpredictable and remember to put on light clothing and non-slip soles. Bring a mobile phone, a rope and a float as rescue tools, just in case someone falls into the sea.

6. Never Turn Your Back on the Sea

Never turn your back on the sea and always stay alert of the surrounding tidal condition. If unfortunately your companion is washed into the sea, DO NOT attempt to jump into the sea but throw the Angel Ring, if available nearby, or the rope and float into the sea to rescue your mate, and call 000 or 112 to get help.

7. Don’t Panic If You’re Washed In

Stay calm and alert if you’re washed in, try to swim away from the rocks and get to a safe spot to wait for the rescue. Swimming towards  the rocks is very dangerous as a big wave will push you hit the rocks and you'll be unconcious and likely to get drowned.

Don’t put your life on a line. These basic rock fishing safety tips are proven strategies that have worked before and will no doubt work again in future.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

整裝待發 安全至上 (二) Get Ready - Safety First (Part 2)

5. 必須穿上救生衣:


6. 切勿背向大海:


7. 墮海後的應變措施:  



Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Get Ready - Safety First (Part 1)

As we mentioned in the previous post, rock Fishing can be a dangerous sport, therefore anglers must NEVER GO ROCK FISHING before understanding the safety and precautious measures and here are the basic tips you should know:

1. Never Fish by Yourself

Never go rock fishing alone, always fish in a group and on the fishing spot you should be within sight of each other because if any of you get into trouble, someone will be there to help and alert the emergency services.

2. Keep Your Friends and Family Informed

Always tell your friends and family of the fishing location and what time you plan to be back, if you change your mind on the location, update your friends or family on the changes

3. Must Check Weather and Tidal Conditions

Check the weather and tidal conditions before you set out to rock fishing. We found the Weather Zone website very user friendly - just input the postal code or town name, you’ll be redirected to the page with detail local weather conditions such as temperature and wind direction, and then click on the “Tide” icon, and you’ll get all the information about the tidal changes.

4. Observe First

When you arrive at the fishing spot, spend about half an hour to observe the tidal and weather conditions. Also plan an escape route in case you’re washed in. If the conditions worsen, find another calmer or more sheltered spot. But if the condition looks dangerous – DON’T fish there or JUST GO HOME!

(To be cont’d)

Sunday, 14 November 2010

整裝待發 安全至上 (一)  Get Ready - Safety First (Part 1)


1. 結伴前往:

千萬不要獨自前往礁石垂釣,到了目的地,大家分散在不同地點垂釣,但也要在大家的視線範圍內,萬一你或同伴出事,也有人可以施以援手及致電000 或112求救,遇險者有較大機會獲救。

2. 讓家人或友人知道你的所在點


3. 查看天氣及潮汐報告:

出發垂釣前必須查看垂釣地點天氣及潮汐報告,可惜中文網站一般只有澳洲大城市的天氣資訊,但英文網站如Weather Zone,即使是小城鎮的天氣資訊也一應俱全,而且很容易搜尋,只須輸入郵政編號或城鎮名稱便有找到當地氣溫及風向資訊,再按 “Tide” 字,便有一份完整潮汐報告。


到達目的地後,先花半小時觀察風勢和海面情況,並設計逃生路線。若天氣轉壞,另找一處比較平靜或有遮蔽的地點,若情況看來有點危險 ── 請回家去也。


Thursday, 11 November 2010

Rock fishing safety blog

Rock fishing is very popular in Australia, it’s exciting and challenging. Unfortunately, rock fishing is probably the most dangerous type of angling. Figures tell us that people from Asian backgrounds – Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese - made up almost half of the rock fishing fatality statistics over the past few years.

How can we forget five Hong Kong Chinese migrants lost their lives while rock fishing at Catherine Hill Bay in Newcastle on Mother’s Day this year? It is believed to be the worst rock fishing tragedy in Australian history.

A week before this dreadful accident, a Korean man died fishing rocks nearby. And on May 15, a 29-year-old student from Mainland China was believed to have lost his life while rock fishing alone off North Bondi in Sydney. And about two weeks later, another 41-year-old man was swept into the water off the coast of Kiama in NSW while rock fishing with two friends. (Read the news article here)

This makes May 2010 the worst month in NSW in rock fishing history - EIGHT rock fishing fatalities in a single month!

And nationwide, for the year ended 30 June 2009, there were 13 rock fishing fatalities – it was already higher than Australia’s average 11 per year. But then for the next 12 months, more than 20 lives were again lost in rock fishing.

As multicultural workers working for Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW (RFA),we set up this blog to campaign for rock fishing safety. We want to raise the awareness of anglers, especially those of Asian descent and non-English speaking background, about the dangers of rock fishing and actions needed to reduce the risk. The fishing and safety tips are from RFA. We will see you soon.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

磯釣安全網誌的誕生 Rock fishing safety blog



相信大家仍對今年母親節發生的磯釣慘劇記憶猶新 ── 兩個香港移民家庭合共5人,在Newcastle Catherine Hill灣海邊罹難,是澳洲歷來最嚴重的磯釣海難。(請參閱雅虎新聞文章)



作為新南威爾斯州釣魚康樂聯盟(Recreational Fishing Alliance)的多元文化工作人員,我們決定設立這網誌,定期發佈文章,希望能提高亞裔人士對磯釣活動的安全意識,網誌內有關的釣魚安全常識和垂釣技巧,主要由釣魚康樂聯盟提供。