Wednesday, 26 January 2011


上周和家人到維州的Venus Bay 遊玩,當然少不了挖蜆這項當地熱門活動。現場所見,似乎很多人不知道要預先購買釣魚牌,而且即使買了釣魚牌,能拿多少魚獲回家是有法例限制的。

原來在剛過去的聖誕節及新年期間,漁護署人員在 Venus Bay 檢控了數名違法人士,其中一行四人企圖帶 66 公升蜆回家,超過法例規定每名持牌人士每天只可捕兩公升蜆的規定。

其實我們繳交的釣魚牌費用不是白交的,以維州為例,有效期三年的釣魚牌要 $66,一年期的是 $24.5,28 天的才 $12, 兩天的只需 $6。

不過自2001年以來,維州政府從釣魚牌所得的收入,撥款逾 $1350萬改善或增設 345 項釣魚活動的設施,結果都是我們這些釣魚愛好者使用。例如在位於維州大洋路(Great Ocean Road) 地段的Wye River 地區興建石台階,方便我們到岸邊的岩石群進行礁石垂釣。

Wye River地區的石台階
另一個例子是在南部 Tarwin River 東岸興建了七個釣魚平台,讓釣魚人士可以舒舒服服地享受釣魚之樂。
Tarwin River 岸邊的釣魚平台

所以下次你若目擊或懷疑有人進行違法捕魚活動,請立即致電 13 34 74(維州)或 1800 043 536(新南威爾斯州) 舉報。

圖片來源: Travel Victoria, 維州魚護署 

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Your Licence Fees at Work

I had a short break with my family around Venus Bay area in Victoria last week and tried our luck on picking pipis. But it seems that many people don’t know they have to buy a licence to fish and even you’ve bought a fishing licence, there’s a legal limit on how much you can take home.

Just read from the news that quite a number of people were charged with fisheries offences over the Christmas and New Year holidays. A group of four has nabbed 66 litres which is over the daily catch limit - two litres pipis with shells per person.

We don’t pay our fishing licence fees in vain; indeed the revenue from fishing licence is working for us. Take Victoria for example, anglers can buy a three-year Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL)for $66, the one-year RFL for $24.50, the 28-day RFL for $12, and the 2-day RFL for $6.

But since 2001, the revenue from fishing licence has funded 345 projects, worth more than $13.5 million, including stone stairways are built in Wye River area to improve access to rock fishing platforms.
Stone stairways in Wye River region
Moreover, seven gorgeous fishing platforms have been built along the east side of Tarwin River between Tarwin Lower and the Tarwin River Bridge to improve recreational angler access.

Fishing platform along the Tarwin River
So next time when you see or suspect an illegal fishing activity, pick up your phone and call the 24 hour reporting hotline - 13 3474 (13 FISH) in Victoria and 1800 043 536 in NSW.

Photo source: Travel Victoria
                         Department of Primary Industries Victoria

Thursday, 13 January 2011

救命關鍵 - 救生衣(二) Types of Lifejackets









 圖片來源:NSW Maritime

Monday, 10 January 2011

Types of Lifejacket - Part 2

As mentioned  in the previous article, there are three types of lifejackets available in markets and Type 1 lifejacket  provides the highest level of buoyancy. Let’s have a look of the remaining two types of lifejackets.

 Lifejacket Type 2

A type 2 lifejacket is a buoyancy vest. They are not designed to keep the wearer’s head above and out of the water but are manufactured using high-visibility colours and in comfortable styles. Type 2 lifejackets are mainly used when boating in more sheltered enclosed or inland waters. These are some examples:

Type 2 lifejacket is not designed to keep wearer's head above the water.

Type 2 lifejacket is like a buoyancy vest

Lifejacket Type 3

A type 3 lifejacket is a buoyancy vest with the same overall buoyancy as a type 2 lifejacket. But it is not required to be made in high-visibility colours. Type 3 lifejackets are mainly used for aquatic sports such as waterskiing where comfort and style are important.

Type 3 lifejacket

Type 3 lifejacket is not required to be made in high-visibility colour.

In general, Type 1 lifejacket is most expensive among the three types of lifejackets, usually over $100; while Type 3 is the cheapest, usually around $50. But I believe you don’t want to put your life on the line by saving just a few bucks.

Enjoy your post-Christmas bargain hunting!

Picture Source: NSW Maritime